Congress Chairs

Prof. Dr. Alexander M.M. Eggermont, MD, PhD
Utrecht University, Netherlands

Board of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Munich (CCCM), Technical University Munich & Ludwig Maximiliaan University Munich,  Munich, Germany.
Chief Scientific Officer Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, Utrecht, Netherlands  Prof Clinical &Translational Immunotherapy, University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands.
Coordinator Comprehensive Cancer Center Program Deutsche KrebsHilfe, Germany  & Strategic Advisor @ DKFZ-NCT Heidelberg for National Center for Tumors Program, Germany.
Past Director General, Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus Grand Paris, France (2010-2019) & Emeritus Professor Oncology, University Paris-Saclay, France (2012-2021).
Emeritus Professor International Networking Cancer Research, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, NL  Emeritus Professor Surgical Oncology Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL.
Honorary Professor Surgical Oncology, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium.
Fellow of USA NIH-NCI Surgery Branch (Steve Rosenberg) (85-86) PhD1987 TumorImmunology.

International (current & past) scientific societal positions

  • President European Academy of Cancer Sciences (2010-2019), Executive board (2019-now)
  • President Cancer Core Europe 2014-2019
  • ECCO President European CanCer Organization 2009-2011
  • EORTC President 2006-2009, Exec Board 1998-2012, Chairman Melanoma Group(1994-2000)
  • ASCO: Board of Directors of ASCO (2008-2010; Surgery Chair) and JCO Editorial Board
  • AACR: Deputy Editor of Clinical Cancer Research 2001-2009
  • ESMO: Executive Board:  2014-2018
  • CRUK: Board of Trustees/Strategic Research Committee 2016-2019
  • DFG: Wissenschaftsrat, Germany: 2017-2020
  • DKH (Deutsche Krebshilfe) (Since 2007-Now) President International Jury CCC-Program
  • European Journal of Cancer: Editor-in-Chief since 01-01-2011

Professional awards (selection): Joseph Maisin Chair in Oncology at Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium (2001); ASCO Statesman Award (2010); Michiel Van Vloten Award of the Dutch Surgical Society (2016); John Wayne Award of Clinical Research of Society Surgical Oncology (2018); Doctorate Honoris Causa (University Essen, Germany) (2018); Honorary Chair KAZIOR (Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiotherapy)(2019); Deutsche Krebshilfe Cancer Award (2019)

Specialties & Scientific Output: Clinicalimmunotherapy, melanoma, sarcoma,drug development. Basic/Translational: tumor immunology, animal models. Scientific Output: >1000 publications; 36 PhD theses @ ErasmusMC:  H-index/citations: 113, >61000 citations (Web of Science),  HI:115, >66000 (Scopus); HI:128, >80000 (Research Gate);  HI:134, >93000 citations (Google Scholar)

Societal Awards:       Légion d’Honneur, France (2015)

Prof. Mario Mandalà
University of Perugia, Santa Maria Misericordia Perugia Italy 

Dr. Mario Mandalà received his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Rome, Italy. He completed residency trainings in Medical Oncology and Haematology and since then he has consistently been active in medical research. He is currently Head of the Melanoma Unit, Division of Oncology, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, Italy.  In this position, he coordinates a prospective outcome research project and several clinical trials investigating new therapeutic strategies (including target therapies and immunotherapies) in melanoma and gastrointestinal cancer patients.

Since 2011, he chaired the scientific and organizing committees of the Clinical and Translational Research Working Group of the Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI).

Since 2017 Dr Mandalà is secretary of IMI.

Since 2019 Dr Mandalà has been elected as new president of the group Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI)

Dr Mandalà has been recently appointed chairman of the systemic treatment of the EORTC melanoma group.

He is full member of the European Society of Medical Oncology. He is Reviewer for several scientific journals, including Journal of Clinical Oncology, Lancet Oncology, Cancer, British Journal of Cancer, European journal of cancer, Annals of Oncology, Cancer Treatment Review, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Thrombosis and HaemostasisArteriosclerosis-Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Critical Reviews in Oncology and Haematology. He has authored more than 120 publications and his major scientific interests are clinical and translational research on melanoma, gastrointestinal cancer and thromboembolic complications in cancer patients. Since 2008, he gave major contributions in ESMO, AIOM and ISTH clinical practice guidelines on the management of Melanoma as well as venous thromboembolism in solid tumours.

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